Aprile, 2024

15Apr(Apr 15)10:0020(Apr 20)19:00The Beauty of Lines, SUGIYAMA, Japanese Minimalist Solid Iron Furniture al Fuorisalone 202410:00 - 19:00 (20) Via Ciovasso, 5, 20121 Milano (MI)

Dettagli evento

Luogo dell’evento: Galleria Antonio Battaglia, Milano

Data e ora dell’evento: da lunedì 15 a sabato 20 aprile, exhibition dalle ore 10:00 alle 19:00



SUGIYAMA presenta la seconda exhibition al Fuorisalone di Milano.

“The Beauty of Lines iron furniture—created with the skillful processes of
“cutting,” “bending,” “hammering,” “welding,” and “sanding.”
Each SUGIYAMA product is carefully brought to completion by the craftsmen who make it.
The iron, which at first is just a bar or a plate, is transformed into warm iron furniture.
The delicate finish applied by the iron craftsmen brings out the unique look and texture.
This is SUGIYAMA’s craftsmanship.

By “cutting,” “bending,” “hammering,” “welding,” and “sanding,”
The Beauty of Lines iron furniture, with its “thinness” in pursuit of minimalism, is created.

We would like to introduce some chairs we will show this year.
Enjoy such attractive iron furniture in your daily life.”







Per info: info@sugiyama.furniture

Info link: http://www.galleriaantoniobattaglia.com/?p=7542



15 (Lunedì) 10:00 - 20 (Sabato) 19:00


Galleria Antonio Battaglia

Via Ciovasso, 5, 20121 Milano (MI)


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